Bob Delf founded Northwest Cellars in 2004, aiming to make high-quality wine with customers having the option of custom or private labels. Along carving out this niche in the area, supporting the community was just as important for Delf. That has led to Northwest Cellars being recognized as one of the top philanthropic business in the state seven years in a row.
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Northwest Cellars Increases Business Revenue by Selling Nearly $400K of Wine on BizX
September 7, 2022 | Written by BizX
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A Winery Finds a Holy Business Strategy in Bartering
September 2, 2022 | Written by BizX
Hand of God Wines reaches from the edge of Argentina’s Andes Mountain, one of the world’s finest wine regions, to right here in the Puget Sound, where their winery has wowed sommeliers and local residents alike for years.
Productivity | Business Resources | BizX Education
The Shared Qualities of Top Sellers
August 31, 2022 | Written by BizX
Salespeople are in a field that offers great opportunity, but that opportunity must be utilized. According to a study by The Harvard Business School, all it takes is concentration and focus to achieve these top attributes of successful salespeople.
Management | Marketing | BizX Education
Does it Pay to Advertise in a Recession?
August 30, 2022 | Written by BizX
Marketing is just as crucial during a recession as in less turbulent economic times. But, should you advertise as you would in a strong market? Like consumers, businesses must also adapt during a downturn. Consumers change their spending habits as they focus primarily on essential purchases. As a result, companies must adopt new or alter existing marketing strategies and campaigns to meet the needs of their customers.
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Nearly $400K in Printing Sales - Powered by BizX
August 30, 2022 | Written by BizX
"Spending 500 BizX seems like it's nothing compared to spending $500 dollars."
A member since 2014, Tray's company Printing N Go has made nearly $400,000 in sales through the network since then.