Look at all the new members that have joined our flourishing network! Check out all the new places to spend your BizX and all the community members to work with. BizX is more than a company, BizX is a collaboration!
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CloseMember Spotlight | Networking | B2B | BizX Community
August 27, 2019 | Written by Matt Beuschlein
Look at all the new members that have joined our flourishing network! Check out all the new places to spend your BizX and all the community members to work with. BizX is more than a company, BizX is a collaboration!
Using BizX | Member Spotlight | Community
August 20, 2019 | Written by Matt Beuschlein
Aaron Muller believes in good, old-fashioned service. AA Auto Service Center in Redmond WA, is a place where customers go to get the best of modern auto repair technology, served with a smile and a customer service that leads with the heart.
Member Spotlight | BizX Community | Success Stories
August 8, 2019 | Written by Matt Beuschlein
Bringing people together in mutually beneficial ways—this is the principal reason why BizX exists today, helping business-owners trade products and services using BizX dollars to preserve their cash flow and grow their businesses.
Using BizX | Member Spotlight | Community
August 6, 2019 | Written by Matt Beuschlein
Most Westerners assume that asanas, or poses, encompass all of the teachings of yoga. In truth, the ancient Indian philosophy is based on 8 disciplines -- yama (attitudes toward our environment), niyama (attitudes toward ourselves), asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing practices), pratyahara (sensoryrestraint), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (complete integration).
Using BizX | Member Spotlight | Saving | Success Stories
July 31, 2019 | Written by Matt Beuschlein
Located in the Grass Valley neighborhood of Oakland, California, the Oakland Zoo is managed by the Conservation Society of California, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife both locally and globally.