Procrastination is the enemy of good habits. Our mind always knows what is good for us, and we’re even excited to think of starting good habits such as eating healthy, exercising or meeting daily job targets.
But then, procrastination sets in, eating away at our determination until we finally stop practicing those good habits altogether.
This is a human flaw that is common and present in all of us, but it can be controlled by working with a very simple idea. It is called the “Paper Clip Strategy”.
Place 2 jars on your desk. Leave one empty and fill the other with paper clips. Every time you finish a task, move one paper clip to the empty jar.
The paper clips become a visual cue or a visual trigger that helps override our instinct to procrastinate.
They assist in forming – and keeping – new habits until they practically become second nature. And what’s more, the action of moving one paper clip at the end of a task soon becomes addictive, and keeps motivation high.
- Need to send out 25 sales emails per day? Start with 25 paper clips and toss one to the empty jar every time you push the “send” button.
- Want to drink 8 glasses of water every day? Keep 8 paper clips nearby and push one over each time you drink a glass.
- Not sure if you will remember to take your medication 3 times a day? Okay, by now, you know what to do….
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