How can we help?

BizX is another method of
BizX is Simple to Use!

You have enough on your plate without having to worry about your businesses day-to-day transactions. That's why we've simplified it so you can send BizX, request BizX and process a transaction quickly and easily.

How do you normally process transactions?

Take a
credit card

Vector Smart Object
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Get paid by check or ACH
after sending an invoice.

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If you charge credit card:
There are two ways to charge a BizX card. 

charge-cardIf your business charges Credit Cards on the spot = Processing Transactions via Transactions processed through this method are instantaneous, so the funds are in your account and ready to use as soon as you enter the details.


Processing Transactions via

  1. Login to the Marketplace

  2. Hover over Transactions

  3. Click on “Charge a BizX Card” 

  4. Enter the first 7 digits of the customers card, the total amount and add transaction note

  5. Click on “Charge” to process the transaction. 

  6. You'll see a confirmation page with a green bar with the message “You have successfully debited the card”

  7. Funds will transfer immediately

If your business charges Credit Cards on the spot AND wants to give employees ability to take payment without seeing your account information = Processing Transactions via POS System Transactions processed through this method are instantaneous, so the funds are in your account and ready to use as soon as you enter the details.


Processing Transactions via POS System

  1. Go to
  2. Login to the portal
  3. Enter the first 7 digits of the customers card, amount and add transactions notes
  4. Click “Submit”




If you get paid by check or ACH
after sending an invoice:


Processing Transactions via my.bizx.comach

1. Login to the Marketplace

2. Hover over Send/Request BizX

3. Select “Request BizX”

4. Enter Company Name, or change drop down to use
     Account Number, card number or email address

5. Enter data and click “Next”

6. Enter payment amount and add transaction notes

7. Attach invoice or invoice number 

8. Click “Request BizX” 


Questions/need help?

call 1-800-939-BIZX or email