How can we help?

Image360 Tacoma

Overall, being involved with BizX has allowed Image360 to do things they would never have done before. 

Image360’s Rose Mednick believes the possibilities of visual communication are endless. That’s why she started her graphics, signage, and displays company in 2003. Going the extra mile for her clients, she and her team strive to provide superior products. From the simplest products to the most complex, Mednick draws from 25 years of leadership and innovation in the industry. 

Some of Mednick’s success is due to her effective networking skills in the small business community. Of Latino heritage, Mednick learned about becoming minority-owned certified. It was an arduous task to do so, but she’s glad she did. That opened her business up to lucrative construction projects and schools.  

“Construction companies are obligated to give a percentage of business to the small minority certified veteran owned businesses. Not very many sign companies are certified like this, so we get those opportunities.” 


Another tool to her success came about in 2005 when Mednick was introduced to BizX to get new customers and increase cash flow. Involvement in BizX was a no-brainer after she understood the power it provided to increase her market share and gain a competitive edge in the printing industry. 

“BizX is definitely worth the little investment to get new business and increase our cash flow.” 

Image360 uses the BizX dollars they’ve earned in various ways to offset cash expenses. They regularly utilize window cleaning, janitorial cleaning, coffee service, meals out with staff and clients, perks for staff, and even a Certified Public Accountant. 

Mednick recalls the best one-time purchase through BizX was a company van using her BizX dollars.  

“I think small business should join BizX because they don’t have to dish out cash for the everyday things they need to run their companies.” 

To make all these purchases possible, Image360 has been introduced to new customers through the BizX network. Everybody needs signs, so when she started offering her services through BizX, they accumulated funds rapidly. In addition to new clientele paying with BizX dollars, Mednick has also seen new cash customers come in through referrals. 

“BizX has definitely added to our bottom line. Overall, it has allowed us to do things we would have never done before.” 

Through BizX’s barter-based digital currency, Image360 has turned their goods and services into real spending power. As a tool to help her small business grow, Mednick has harnessed the power of BizX to build a thriving company and save money. 


IMAGE360 has generated over $330,000 in new sales, strategically adding incremental revenue to her business through the power of barter and relationships.